[SOLUCIONADO] Problema al actualizar Huarpe

Hola! buenos dias!
Intento actualizar Huarpe de v2.1.1 a v2.2.0, pero obtengo el mensaje “error: pathspec ‘v2.2.0’ did not match any file(s) known to git.”

Hay algo que estoy omitiendo?

Pego el log. Muchas gracias!

root@dev:/opt/huarpe-core# git pull
Username for ‘https://hub.siu.edu.ar’: xxx
Password for ‘xxx’:
remote: warning: ignoring extra bitmap file: ./objects/pack/pack-7a6c690f1bcbe817ec1c393a26869417924905a9.pack
remote: warning: ignoring extra bitmap file: ./objects/pack/pack-44211df3407a7237b0f985a723202b980e177798.pack
remote: warning: ignoring extra bitmap file: ./objects/pack/pack-c40d96f349e1fd337def0d2c9236c60a397b7baf.pack
remote: warning: ignoring extra bitmap file: ./objects/pack/pack-98073e41b99966aa3996c6f94e987c9803be5135.pack
remote: warning: ignoring extra bitmap file: ./objects/pack/pack-efa42a6448fc2b45660c2c9f170dd483c9bec718.pack
remote: warning: ignoring extra bitmap file: ./objects/pack/pack-fb11df545bda49f608dc10436e119cec55623321.pack
remote: Enumerating objects: 283, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (283/283), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (149/149), done.
remote: Total 283 (delta 139), reused 244 (delta 115)
Receiving objects: 100% (283/283), 91.44 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (139/139), completed with 26 local objects.
From https://hub.siu.edu.ar/siu-arai/huarpe-core
d24881c…17ec17c develop → origin/develop

  • [new branch] feature/alpine-bundles → origin/feature/alpine-bundles
  • [new branch] feature/autoconfigurar-bundles → origin/feature/autoconfigurar-bundles
  • 715f68f…49eeae8 feature/desarrollo → origin/feature/desarrollo (forced update)
  • [new branch] feature/extraer-mapuche → origin/feature/extraer-mapuche

  • [new branch] release/v2.2.0 → origin/release/v2.2.0
    You are not currently on a branch.
    Please specify which branch you want to merge with.
    See git-pull(1) for details.

    git pull

root@dev:/opt/huarpe-core# git checkout v2.2.0
error: pathspec ‘v2.2.0’ did not match any file(s) known to git.

Hola Javier!

Todavía no hemos finalizado los cambios en Huarpe para publicar la v2.2.0. A lo sumo y a modo de “beta” pueden descargarse la rama develop y seguir la documentación que estamos escribiendo (los bundles no vienen más por defecto). Nos falta publicar en hub dichos bundles por eso no está liberada esta versión…

Es un error de Git, estas intentando realizar un checkout de un tag que aún no existe …
