[SOLUCIONADO] Tratando de entender el deploy de LDAP para Arai

Pude avanzar un poco mas. Ahora tengo un error cuando quiero levantar con docker-compose una base LDAP. Copio la salida

root@portal-d:/var/aplicaciones/expedientes/dev/servicios# docker-compose -f ldap.yml -p ldap up -d
WARNING: Service "ldap" uses secret "usuarios_ldap_admin_pass" which is external. External secrets are not available to containers created by docker-compose.
WARNING: Service "ldap" uses secret "usuarios_ldap_config_pass" which is external. External secrets are not available to containers created by docker-compose.
WARNING: The Docker Engine you're using is running in swarm mode.

Compose does not use swarm mode to deploy services to multiple nodes in a swarm. All containers will be scheduled on the current node.

To deploy your application across the swarm, use `docker stack deploy`.

Creating volume "ldap_volumen_ldap_data" with default driver
Creating volume "ldap_volumen_ldap_config" with default driver
Pulling ldap (tdelvechio/docker-ldap-unlu:latest)...
latest: Pulling from tdelvechio/docker-ldap-unlu
8559a31e96f4: Pull complete
1ab40e40d006: Pull complete
b578faeebc89: Pull complete
d101246a274b: Pull complete
f07e49f51d05: Pull complete
b41b15b6b364: Pull complete
3c18a389bf1d: Pull complete
26752ae4d31f: Pull complete
26e71d0f11cd: Pull complete
c94f456b1a50: Pull complete
297fcfaa83b6: Pull complete
50dd03b11e38: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:8318c8a4fcca6c29854c008bf68e5f0fddf76c98f868504672baa235c6abe8e9
Status: Downloaded newer image for tdelvechio/docker-ldap-unlu:latest
Creating ldap_ldap_1 ... error

ERROR: for ldap_ldap_1  Cannot start service ldap: Could not attach to network red-siu: rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = network red-siu not manually

ERROR: for ldap  Cannot start service ldap: Could not attach to network red-siu: rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = network red-siu not manually attachable
ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.

Quise usar de base el yml de expendientes: https://hub.siu.edu.ar/siu/expedientes/-/blob/develop/dev/servicios/ldap.yml

(en dicho yml cambie la imagen del SIU por una propia personalizada y edite las variables de entorno. Ahora, porque se usan secrets ahi si no son compatibles con docker-compose? no me queda clara esa parte.

Ademas veo que es completamente diferente a esta otra parte de la doc de arai: https://documentacion.siu.edu.ar/usuarios/docs/cache/instalacion-bases-ldap/#desplegar

En este ultimo caso tampoco tengo claro como se conectarian entre si, ya que no usan las mismas redes de Docker.