Portal de transparencia

Hola, Sabrina. Muchas gracias por la respuesta.
Había una ip que no pertenecía a nuestro rango asique le puse la ip interna del servidor, reinicié y mismo problema.
Le puse localhost, reinicié y sigue haciendo lo mismo.

Te paso el contenido del archivo por si hay algo que se me está escapando.


# FullyQualifiedServerUrl is used only in the case of offline content generation
# and whenever something need to talk back to the server

# for example 'fr' for French, 'de' for German, da for danish

# for example 'FR' for France, 'CA' for Canada

# The param-value for objectFactoryCreatorCfgFile must be one of the following:
#    - just the file name of the spring configuration file for the pentaho
#      object factory, in which case the code will look in the solution
#      repository's system folder for the file with that name.
#    - The full path to the spring configuration file (including file name).
#    - Empty or non-existent, the system will look for the file called
#      pentahoObjects.spring.xml in the solution's system folder

# This defaults to UTF-8. Change the value for other encodings. Also change
# the URIEncoding in Tomcat's server.xml.

# This defaults to LTR (left to right), uncomment this property and
# change the value for other text directions.

# This sets the amount of time the system will wait for karaf to install all of
# it's features before timing out.  The default value is 2 minutes but can be
# overridden here.
#karafWaitForBoot = 120000