ERROR: VACUUM cannot be executed within a pipeline

Hola Buenas, estamos migrando de G2 a G3 (3.21) y en todos los script de migración esta el VACUUM y cuando llega el momento falla la ejecución.


SET search_path = ${pg_esquema};
VACUUM ANALYZE mug_continentes;
VACUUM ANALYZE mug_paises;
VACUUM ANALYZE mug_provincias;
VACUUM ANALYZE mug_dptos_partidos;
VACUUM ANALYZE mug_localidades;
VACUUM ANALYZE mug_cod_postales;
VACUUM ANALYZE sga_instituciones;
VACUUM ANALYZE sga_colegios_secundarios;
VACUUM ANALYZE sga_escalas_notas_concepto;
VACUUM ANALYZE sga_escalas_notas;
VACUUM ANALYZE sga_escalas_notas_det;
VACUUM ANALYZE sga_documentos;
VACUUM ANALYZE sga_ubicaciones;
VACUUM ANALYZE sga_edificaciones;
VACUUM ANALYZE sga_espacios_tipos;
VACUUM ANALYZE sga_espacios;
VACUUM ANALYZE sga_periodos_genericos;
VACUUM ANALYZE sga_libros_actas;
VACUUM ANALYZE sga_cond_regularidad;
VACUUM ANALYZE sga_responsables_academicas;
VACUUM ANALYZE sga_dias_no_laborables;


2023/07/04 15:21:50 - 99_vacuum_analyze - ERROR (version, build from 2022-04-12 04.56.25 by buildguy) : Ocurrió un error al ejecutar esta entrada de trabajo:
2023/07/04 15:21:50 - 99_vacuum_analyze - Couldn’t execute SQL: SET search_path = negocio;
2023/07/04 15:21:50 - 99_vacuum_analyze -
2023/07/04 15:21:50 - 99_vacuum_analyze - VACUUM ANALYZE mug_continentes;
2023/07/04 15:21:50 - 99_vacuum_analyze - VACUUM ANALYZE mug_paises;
2023/07/04 15:21:50 - 99_vacuum_analyze - VACUUM ANALYZE mug_provincias;
2023/07/04 15:21:50 - 99_vacuum_analyze - VACUUM ANALYZE mug_dptos_partidos;
2023/07/04 15:21:50 - 99_vacuum_analyze - VACUUM ANALYZE mug_localidades;
2023/07/04 15:21:50 - 99_vacuum_analyze - VACUUM ANALYZE mug_cod_postales;
2023/07/04 15:21:50 - 99_vacuum_analyze - VACUUM ANALYZE sga_instituciones;
2023/07/04 15:21:50 - 99_vacuum_analyze - VACUUM ANALYZE sga_colegios_secundarios;
2023/07/04 15:21:50 - 99_vacuum_analyze - VACUUM ANALYZE sga_escalas_notas_concepto;
2023/07/04 15:21:50 - 99_vacuum_analyze - VACUUM ANALYZE sga_escalas_notas;
2023/07/04 15:21:50 - 99_vacuum_analyze - VACUUM ANALYZE sga_escalas_notas_det;
2023/07/04 15:21:50 - 99_vacuum_analyze - VACUUM ANALYZE sga_documentos;
2023/07/04 15:21:50 - 99_vacuum_analyze - VACUUM ANALYZE sga_ubicaciones;
2023/07/04 15:21:50 - 99_vacuum_analyze - VACUUM ANALYZE sga_edificaciones;
2023/07/04 15:21:50 - 99_vacuum_analyze - VACUUM ANALYZE sga_espacios_tipos;
2023/07/04 15:21:50 - 99_vacuum_analyze - VACUUM ANALYZE sga_espacios;
2023/07/04 15:21:50 - 99_vacuum_analyze - VACUUM ANALYZE sga_periodos_genericos;
2023/07/04 15:21:50 - 99_vacuum_analyze - VACUUM ANALYZE sga_libros_actas;
2023/07/04 15:21:50 - 99_vacuum_analyze - VACUUM ANALYZE sga_cond_regularidad;
2023/07/04 15:21:50 - 99_vacuum_analyze - VACUUM ANALYZE sga_responsables_academicas;
2023/07/04 15:21:50 - 99_vacuum_analyze - VACUUM ANALYZE sga_dias_no_laborables;
2023/07/04 15:21:50 - 99_vacuum_analyze -
2023/07/04 15:21:50 - 99_vacuum_analyze - ERROR: VACUUM cannot be executed within a pipeline

Hola Gino, mira lo comentado en este otro foro por el mismo problema:

Perfecto, gracias alejandro! ahi pudimos hacerlo.

Hola Gino, como resolvieron el error?

Hola alejandro, si, ejecutamos los vacuum conectandonos a la base desde la terminal y andaron.