Errores Migración Guarani 2 a 3

buenos días. Tal vez alguien pueda interpretar estos mensajes que recibo al querer probar la migración. Gracias

2017/10/10 10:37:36 - Carte - Installing timer to purge stale objects after 1440 minutes.
2017/10/10 10:37:51 - General -
2017/10/10 10:37:51 - General - Unexpected error during transformation metadata load
2017/10/10 10:37:51 - General -
2017/10/10 10:37:51 - General - Unable to read file [file:///C:/Users/rmerino/Desktop/data-integration/script1pg.ktr]
2017/10/10 10:37:51 - General - Could not read from “file:///C:/Users/rmerino/Desktop/data-integration/script1pg.ktr” because it is not a file.
2017/10/10 10:37:51 - General -
2017/10/10 10:37:51 - General - Unexpected error during transformation metadata load
2017/10/10 10:37:51 - General -
2017/10/10 10:37:51 - General - Unable to read file [file:///C:/Users/rmerino/Desktop/data-integration/schema_fk.ktr]
2017/10/10 10:37:51 - General - Could not read from “file:///C:/Users/rmerino/Desktop/data-integration/schema_fk.ktr” because it is not a file.
2017/10/10 10:37:51 - General -
2017/10/10 10:37:51 - General - Unexpected error during transformation metadata load
2017/10/10 10:37:51 - General -
2017/10/10 10:37:51 - General - Unable to read file [file:///C:/Users/rmerino/Desktop/data-integration/update_tablas.ktr]
2017/10/10 10:37:51 - General - Could not read from “file:///C:/Users/rmerino/Desktop/data-integration/update_tablas.ktr” because it is not a file.
2017/10/10 10:38:12 - Spoon - Iniciando trabajo…
2017/10/10 10:38:12 - Guarani - Start of job execution
2017/10/10 10:38:12 - Guarani - exec(0, 0, START.0)
2017/10/10 10:38:12 - START - Starting job entry
2017/10/10 10:38:12 - Guarani - Starting entry [tablas a pasar]
2017/10/10 10:38:12 - Guarani - exec(1, 0, tablas a pasar.0)
2017/10/10 10:38:12 - tablas a pasar - Starting job entry
2017/10/10 10:38:12 - tablas a pasar - Log folder [file:///C:/Users/rmerino/Desktop/data-integration] exists.
2017/10/10 10:38:12 - tablas a pasar - Loading job from XML file : [file:///C:/Users/rmerino/Desktop/data-integration/script1ifmx.kjb]
2017/10/10 10:38:12 - tablas a pasar - ERROR (version, build 1 from 2017-05-16 17.18.02 by buildguy) : Error running job entry ‘job’ :
2017/10/10 10:38:12 - tablas a pasar - ERROR (version, build 1 from 2017-05-16 17.18.02 by buildguy) : org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleException:
2017/10/10 10:38:12 - tablas a pasar - Unexpected error during job metadata load
2017/10/10 10:38:12 - tablas a pasar -
2017/10/10 10:38:12 - tablas a pasar - No se ha podido cargar el trabajo desde el fichero XML [file:///C:/Users/rmerino/Desktop/data-integration/script1ifmx.kjb]
2017/10/10 10:38:12 - tablas a pasar -
2017/10/10 10:38:12 - tablas a pasar - Unable to read file [file:///C:/Users/rmerino/Desktop/data-integration/script1ifmx.kjb]
2017/10/10 10:38:12 - tablas a pasar - Could not read from “file:///C:/Users/rmerino/Desktop/data-integration/script1ifmx.kjb” because it is not a file.
2017/10/10 10:38:12 - tablas a pasar -
2017/10/10 10:38:12 - tablas a pasar -
2017/10/10 10:38:12 - tablas a pasar -

Siguen los mensajes

Buenas tardes.
Cual es el job que estás corriendo cuando te tiró estos errores?
Cual es el path donde tenes bajado todos los jobs del nodo de colab?

Fijate de volver a bajarlos de tu nodo por alguna razón esta buscando en el directorio raíz donde tenés el data-integration.
