Buenos dias, el motivo del presente es para realizarles la siguiente consulta: estamos intentando instalar la versión 2.0.12 de sq, pero cuando ejecutamos el composer nos encontramos un error en la descarga del gitlab.
Probamos incrementar el valor del timeout, siguiendo el foro https://foro.comunidad.siu.edu.ar/index.php?topic=17247.msg75500, pero el error persiste.
El error que no sale es el siguiente:
[b]Downloading siu-toba/jasper (v5.6.1)
Failed to download dapphp/securimage from dist: curl error 28 while
Operation timed out after 300002 milliseconds with 3773823 bytes received
Now trying to download from source
- Syncing dapphp/securimage (3.6.8) into cache
Failed to download siu-toba/framework from dist: curl error 28
while downloading
Operation timed out after 300001 milliseconds with 3408847 bytes received
Now trying to download from source - Syncing siu-toba/framework (v3.3.15) into cache
Failed to download siu-toba/jasper from dist: curl error 28 while
Operation timed out after 300000 milliseconds with 4700145 bytes received
Now trying to download from source - Syncing siu-toba/jasper (v5.6.1) into cache
131/131 [============================] 100%The following exception is
caused by a process timeout
Check https://getcomposer.org/doc/06-config.md#process-timeout for details
The process “git clone --mirror –
hp-securimage.git/’” exceeded the timeout of 300 seconds.[/b]
Tambien observamos por pantalla el error adjunto.